Hello there, my name is Lane Johns. I am a full-stack software engineer living in Boston.

At my core I am a creative person who loves to build things. The first job I earned out of college taught me much, mainly that I needed to pursue that ability to create in whatever career I chose to tackle. This led me to App Academy, an intense coding bootcamp with a less than 3% acceptance rate. There, I was able to sharpen my skills in full-stack development with tools such as JavaScript, React/Redux, Python, Flask, and many more. I loved the fast pace learning environment and the ability to work with ever changing technologies. In my free time, you can find me behind a DM screen running a Dungeons & Dragons campaign or binging a Marvel movie or two.

Recent Work

Call of Adventure

An app that helps folks in the tabletop community connect and schedule games.


An AirBnB clone designed to help shelter people during times of crisis.


A Medium clone where people who play tabletop games can talk and tell tales


A GoodReads clone but focused on movies for the film enthusiasts out there!

Get In Touch

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or wish to discuss potential opportunities.